Stuff That Means Things… Or Something

A Blog That I Made For Reasons

Archive for the month “June, 2012”

Mother Be Mad

I’ve mentioned it a couple times now but I’ll say it again.

This holidays my family and I are going to Thailand!!!!!

(I felt the need for at least one gif in this post)

(even if it didn’t make much sense)

We fly out on Monday, so you know what that means?


We’ve been over seas before Mum, we know what we’re doing!

Sorry, sorry, she’s just getting to me a little.

Anyway, while I’m gone I won’t have access to a computer but I shall endeavor to post at least once a day and let you know what I’m up to.

If I don’t get to post once a day, I’ll do a combined post at the end to tell you how kickarse it was! =P

(I’m such a nice person)

So, what else…?

Oh yeah! Yesterday was our graduation from TAFE!

It was pretty cool if not somewhat  embarrassing. I’m pretty sure everyone’s parents think that Eliza and  I are lesbians now….

Hey, she sat on my lap!

Ah well, I now have a Cert 1 in IT which will go a long way to help me get a job.

So I’ll see you guys later and have fun and all that jaz!

Happy holidays!



(sorry, lost the computer to my brother for a couple of hours)

Now that my blogs all caught up, I can get into the newer stuff.

For instance, the reason that I can’t stop smiling right now.

I went to the orthodontist this afternoon…


It’s like-


Every time I run my tongue along my teeth it feels so

and even though I’m kind of running around right now going

and people are looking at me like

they should just deal with it cause








Careers Thingo

On Friday, year 10 and 12 at my school went to this careers expo thing in Homebush but I decided to go to TAFE instead.

Mum thought it was probably important and it was on all weekend so we went on Sunday instead.

Now, me being me, I was already considering my future and looking at going to AFTRS (Australian Film Television and Radio School) now I’m bloody DEAD SET on going there.

They offer a foundation diploma for kids just out of high school that covers bits of ALL the courses they offer so I can do that and decide what I want to do (I really want to be a director though).

I was also kind of considering whether to drop out of school next year and do my last 2 years at TAFE but I’m not sure…

I have until the end of the year to decide anyway so I’ve got time to think.

Anyway,it was pretty cool, lots of decisions to make for the years to come and I hope it all goes well!

I guess we’ll see, huh?


Jenolan Caves Overview*

(^I spelled it right this time^)

(Updating my blog so it should all be in the right order but with the wrong dates. Sorry… -_-)

Again, bad with consistency and also very very lazy.

So, like I was saying, last weekend my family went on a little trip to Jenolan Caves which are these really beautiful calcite crystal cave formations and were absolutely stunning!

We did the guided tour of the Lucas River cave which I would gladly do again.

Chamber in the River Cave, Jenolan Caves (photo courtesy of the Grizzly [A.K.A The Father])

If you’re ever in the area DO IT!!!!

Absolutely amazing experience!

The crystals lining the walls shone from the water  running across the surface of the rock, sending sparkles of gentle light reflecting around the cavernous space.


Oh god, I let out my inner writer! BAD LAUREN!!!!!!

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

We also got free vouchers for a self-guided tour of the Nettle Cave included with our tickets so that’s good!

The Nettle Cave was a little less spectacular but still a wonderful thing to have seen.

The Nettle Cave, Jenolan Caves (photo by The Grizzly)

We stayed that Jenolan Caves House which was wonderful. The rooms were lovely, the food beautiful, the staff…. left a little to be desired.

Over all a very nice place and a wonderful holiday spot.

*             *              *              *

I hope you all enjoyed this little meaningless ramble about my exciting little holiday and if you go, good luck!

– Lauren

P.S. Needed to rub it in your faces a little more so we slept here:

Jenolan Caves House, Jenolan Caves (photo by Yours Truly)

P.P.S. Sorry for the nickname dad, but you said no names or photos! For now, you can all assume he looks like this:

(^Kind of accurate^)

Janolan Caves Day 1

Today, Mum came to pick me up from TAFEsand wedrove up to Janolan Caves. 

During the drive it started snowing.

I should have been as exited as I was. I was  in the backseat laughing hysterically.

So got to our hotel, went upto our room-

and fell over laughing AGAIN!

Adam and I are staying in room E3!!!!

Tomorrow we’re going on a river cave tour and to see some other cave that I don’t remember the name of.

I’m kind of writing on an iPad right now I aware it’s drunk cause autocorrect has broken my sentences so manytimes so if there a mistakes blame the iPad.

Talk tomorrow Adam won’t shut up.

He wants me toturn the light of.

Night night!

Movie Misshaps

I’m not good with this whole consistency thing, am I?

On Wednesday, my brother and I were so completely off our rocker with excitement because we prebooked tickets to go and see the Dark Knight double feature at the Cinema. It was a double screening of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight that ran until 11pm!

We were so bloody happy AND it was the first time Adam had seen the Batman movies!

(He’s almost 18 and hasn’t seen Batman… I’m a little disappointed in him…)

So we went up to the counter and gave the lady our printed tickets.

She scanned them in.

“Um, these tickets are, like, for the 18th of July…”




*sobbing* 18th of Juuuuuuuulllllyyyyyy

Oh well, We’re back from Thailand by then.

(Did I mention I’m going to Thailand?)

Just so the night wasn’t completely wasted, somehow, Adam conned me into going to see Prometheus with him.

It was all right. Just a tad gory for my tastes.

It was a prequel to the Alien movies (which I’ve never see).

So if you’ve seen them, I highly recommend it.

If you haven’t but you like horror/thriller movie, go for it.

If you don’t like horror movies (like me), I wouldn’t see it.

All in all it was a nice enough night even though we had to pull our parents away from their dinner at 9 when they were suppose to have until 11.

Sorry Mum and Dad!

I’ll sign off now.

Bye Bye!

– Lauren

P.S. Happy birthday Mum!!!!! (for Wednesday)

Theme Day

Just a quick post,

I forgot to mention Theme Day!

So that went pretty well. My original intention was to go as Rorschach but I could really find all the pieces.

Then I thought “Well, what about Walter Kovacs?”


For those of you unfamiliar with Watchmen, Walter Kovacs is Rorschach’s real name. So I’d still be Rorschach technically.

Adam took me up to one of the Salvos and I bought the bits and pieces.

When I got home, I looked at it and went “This is a Bobby outfit…”


So I wore jeans, a flanelet shirt and one of those weird satin vest thingys.

After a long period of walking around TAFE with the flanny unbottoned, I felt the need to yell


because the shirt I was using as an undershirt was the “Do you remember your first doctor?” tee and it had a TARDIS on it so it seemed apropriate at the time.

And it was cool cause Eliza came as Sam Winchester.

We kind of felt like this all day:

Before you say anything,


I am aware that Bobby Singer is not an attractive bastard

but I cosplayed to TAFE



…Wow, this post went for way longer than intented…

I’m gunna shut up now.

Bye bye.

Happy Birthday Queeny!

Ugh! Now I have to apologise AGAIN!

SORRY OKAY! I know this routine is getting old but, like you would know if you’d read my About, I DO NOT POST ON A REGULAR BASIS!

I just don’t have time, family commitments and all that jazz.



If you’re not part of the British Empire, you probably don’t know that today was the Queen’s birthday and so we get a long weekend which pretty much means that every man and his dog went away.

My family and I went up the cost to a place called Fingal Bay. It’s a nice little caravan park across the road from the beach.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly beach weather.

Friday: we didn’t get in until around 7 pm so there wasn’t much to do but kick back with a glass of Coke and a bowl of chips.

Saturday: Nice enough, a little windy but overall good. I went for a walk along the beach and up the rock wall with my brother and nephew then we went to Salamanda Shopping Center and I ended up blowing $100 at EB Games (You can’t blame me. I walked away with Kingdom Hearts I and II, Final Fantasy XIII and Oblivion game of the year edition).

Sunday: Woke up to a storm. At 3 am. Went outside and watched a movie on my laptop ’cause everyone else was still asleep. Didn’t stop raining all day so we went to the shops (this time we went to Raymond Terrace though) and we found this cool little pop culture shop that sold games, anime, manga and awesome movie merchandise (They had a life-size bust of the Joker from The Dark Knight). Ended up spending another $40 on part one of Ouran High School Host Club DVDs. Worth it. That night we went to the movies and saw Men In Black III. ASDGSTGERTGINKJ!!! Such a good movie! Not the best but still good! The ending blew my mind! Won’t mention it in case you haven’t seen it though.

Today: Went back to Salamanda to meet up with my sister and ditch my nephew then spent four hours in the car with the rain bucketing down stuck in traffic on the way home. My Dad drove and we towed the caravan with the Landcruiser and Mum and my brother took the Barina so he could get some driving practise. They said they were going to stop off at Nan’s for 10 minutes to give her a new phone. They’re still not home (But then again we only got home 10 mintues ago).


So as you can see my long weekend was amazingly eventful.

I hope the Queen had a good birthday and I can’t wait to do it again next year!


Also, on a side note, had she lived, today would have been Azaria Chamberlain’s 32 birthday.

*Moment of silence for the departed*


I’ll post again later.



P.S. If you are unaware of who Azaria Chamberlain is, dingo ate my baby.

I Now Understand…

After going out to vivid ourselves, we finally understand what Misha ment…


Our own little slice of the tripping buildings…

My Sincerest Apologies

Hi, sorry I didn’t write last night it’s just that well…


1. I had TAFE yesterday.

2. Our class went into VIVID 2012 for the night.

3. I didn’t get home till like 10:30 pm.

4. I was too tired to blog.

5. Shut up I’m not lazy.

See, I had reasons!

Also, I had planned to post when I got up this morning, but Mum came into my room at 7:30 am and said that I was going ski gear shopping with her so, once again, SORRY!

It was weird though. I’ve never been to a sale before and, well…


I got shoved past, people ran everywhere…

Seriously guys! It’s a jacket!

But anyway. I ended up with two full ski outfits for the total of the jacket, SO THERE!

When we got home, Mum demanded that I try everything on  to make sure it fit.

It took me almost a full ten minutes to get the bloody first pair of pants on!

After I was fully dress, I came to a realization.

I felt (and most likely looked) like this

Ski gear is most definitely NOT flattering!

But… There was something else…

Oh Right! VIVID!

So yeah that was pretty cool!

If you don’t know what VIVID is, it’s when they light up a whole bunch of buildings around Circular Quay here in Sydney and it’s really trippy and cool and stuff!


For reference, here is the Sydney Opera House normally


And here is the Opera House at VIVID


But because I was going as part of my TAFE course, we had to do a bit more than just show up.

I took in one of my old black hooded vests and threaded it with EL-wire to make it look cool.

And cool it was!

We were walking around the light and sound festival glowing like Tron and feeling like total bad arses!


Everyone was like

“Where did you buy them?”

“I want one!”

“We’d pay for them if you guys set up a stand!”

We could do that!

We’d earn a tonne!

It would be hard though…

Lots of work…

Nah, I won’t do it.

(refer to reason 5)

Anyway I’ll blog later.

See ya

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